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Sansone Kia Vehicle Maintenance Checklist

When you make an investment in a vehicle, it’s important to have the support of expert car repair and maintenance professionals. That’s exactly what you’ll find at our in Avenel, NJ Kia dealership. Sansone Kia is a destination for customers interested in browsing new Kia models, shopping for genuine Kia parts, and receiving dependable routine maintenance. Our service technicians to be there whenever you need routine vehicle maintenance.


All Kia models require ongoing care to support safety and longevity long after the new-car smell fades. Fend off the effects of weather extremes, mileage, and general wear and tear with regular service visits at our New Jersey Kia dealership.


Why Vehicle Maintenance is Important

If you live and drive in and around Union, NJ, we welcome you to rely on our Kia dealership service center for all your Kia vehicle maintenance concerns. Regular services and checks are critical to spotting issues early and preventing larger, and more expensive, issues.


Staying on top of routine maintenance at our Kia dealership serving Edison, NJ means that you’ll have fewer reasons to worry about your vehicle’s performance and safety. It’s also a good way to protect and extend your investment.


Kia Vehicle Maintenance Checklist

Our Kia technicians can always fill in any specific service-related details. But this is a useful collection of some of the most important basic maintenance priorities to leave in the hands of our service team.


  • Battery: Seasonal extremes can put stress on your car battery. That’s why it’s important to schedule inspections in the spring and fall to make sure your battery still holds a charge.


  • Tires: Combat the wear and tear your tires experience from driving habits, weather, and use by seeking regular tire care from our team. We recommend annual tire alignments and tire rotations approximately every six months. You can also keep an eye on tread and pressure levels and signs of visible damage in between visits.


  • Oil changes: Oil changes are crucial for engine and overall vehicle health. Ask our team about the best schedule for your model.


  • Brakes: Have confidence that you can react when you need to by scheduling routine brake checks with our technicians. Our team will look for any signs of damage to your brake pads and rotors.



Keep an eye on these and other important routine maintenance services with the help of our our Kia dealership in New Jersey. If you have any service scheduling questions, connect with us online and we’ll be happy to provide the details.